There are two steps to cancel your Livin’ the Dream Coaching Membership. The first step is to not pay for your next month’s membership. The second step is to go to the Livin’ the Dream Coaching Content Page and either click on the Help tab or the Ask Coach ‘B’ tab and request that your Livin’ the Dream Coaching membership be cancelled.
If you are cancelling your membership because you are unsatisfied with your first month’s coaching experience, simply ask for a refund and we will refund your first month’s membership fee within 30 days. If you bought Step 1’s Lesson during your first month as a member, we’ll refund Step 1’s lesson fee as well, again within 30 days of your request.
If you paid for the complete Livin’ the Dream Coaching Package during your first month as a member, and were unsatisfied with your first month’s coaching experience, we’ll refund your full package fee within 30 days. No Questions asked.
Both the Live Webinar Coaching Calls as well as the Live Q & A Coaching Calls, are done using Zoom and they are both 90 minutes in length.
There is a Live Webinar Coaching Call every Tuesday and every Thursday of each week. That makes a total of 8 Live Coaching Calls during any given month. I reserve the 5th Tuesdays and or Thursday’s for special Live Webinar Calls where I take questions via Zooms Chat Tool. Members can type me a question and I will answer them live in real-time.
Yes. Each participating member who joins one of my Live Webinar Coaching Calls has that option. Of course, all of us love to see the members who are getting coached and learn from their experiences.
Seeing their expressions, watching their reactions and their follow-up questions … all of this enhances these Live Calls, but yes, turning off your video is an option. You just let Coach B know that you prefer to be anonymous.
This depends on you. You determine how much time you want to spend on each Step Lesson. You can go through the Step Lessons as fast or as slow as you deem necessary. You also decide how many Step Lessons you can afford to purchase in any given week or month. It’s your choice.
As long as you complete the worksheets for each Lesson, and you’ve been able to get your questions answered regarding each Step Lesson, and … you feel you are ready to take on the next Step Lesson both financially and time wise, all of these factors determine the speed at which you go through the 12 Sequential Steps to Start and Launch Your Business Successfully Coaching System.