Hello and Welcome … Coach ‘B’ here. I'm a coach for beginner entrepreneurs and the founder of a program called Livin’ the Dream Coaching. I’ve spent my entire career trying to figure out how to start, build, and launch a successful business of my own. More than 18 years ago I started True North Business Development, LLC, and now I manage 5 web properties—
- TNBD.org
- MoreFreeOffers.com;
- MoreFreeOffersOpportunity.com
- TheCrossPollinator.com, and last but not least ...
- LivinTheDreamCoaching.com was launched in April of 2020.
After 44 years in the world of small business consulting, I have arrived at that place where I can now give back. I’ve learned the secrets that have allowed me to make more than 1.4 million dollars in less than 5 years. To some people that’s a pittance, but for me it provided the means to become 100% debt free, retire, and ultimately have the peace of mind that if I lost it all I could do it over again faster!